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    GF/Emp PVC Wrap Adaptor with C7 Clip Hole


    - General Foam Reindeer with damage C7 Clip Hole

    - Newer Empire Reindeer with damage C7 Clip Hole

    - Carolina Enterprise Reindeer with with damage C7 Clip Hole and badly damage belly mount

    - Early Empire Reindeer with damage C7 Clip Hole and badly damage belly mount


    GF/Emp PVC Wrap Adaptor with C7 Clip Hole

    Choose Part Color: Light Brown
    • PVC Adaptors

      The adaptors are threaded to a 3/4 inch PVC threaded adaptor, available at your local hardware store.

      Please note: While many features have been added to the design of these PVC adaptors to make them as sturdy as possible, please remember that 3D replacement parts are made of plastic and just like the blow molds themselves can crack or break under stress, not to mention the reindeer itself can still snap/break/crack with the PVC adaptor installed on it. Hence, it is highly recommended that if you are using these PVC adaptors to elevate your reindeer 3 feet or higher, please consider side supporting of some kind to keep the reindeer from blowing in the wind. The longer the 3/4inch PVC pipe, the more flex it has, and PVC can even snap under some stress conditions, especially 3/4 inch PVC.

      · Some “thoughts” for side and PVC pipe supports - feel free to let your imagination run wild and come up with other ideas!!! If you do... I’d love to see what engineered marvels you have designed!


      • Slip a length of electrical conduit the same length as the PVC inside the PVC upright to add ridgidness.
      • Fiberglass step-in ground rod next to the reindeer body, with 50 lb. test fishing line tying the reindeer to the rod to keep the wind from blowing the reindeer around.
      • Tall rebar rods pounded in the ground which have above ground height no less than 24 inches from the belly of the reindeer, and slip the PVC pipe over the rebar rod.
      • Convert from PVC to Steel threaded pipe that does not sway in the wind.
      • Consider making a PVC frame which all the reindeer are connected to, then lofting the PVC Frame

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